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moved to github: https://github.com/sogno-platform/dpsim
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Dieses Übungsprojekt implementiert austauschbare Integrationsmethoden für den gegebenen ODE Solver.
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Exploring several strategies for parallelizing code.
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Applications using DPsim as simulation package
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Custom FMU from C++ code, which implements the interface. Additionally a configuration tool is provided to set up custom FMUs in an easy way.
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Auto-correlation as in e.g. in The Pierre Auger Collaboration, Update on the correlation of the highest energy cosmic rays with nearby extragalactic matter, Astropart. Phys., 2010, 34, 314-326.
The module creates a BasicNVector in a UserRecord for the
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C module that runs Pythia 8 and converts the output to a PXL event.
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C library to access and process smooth particles, spezialized on the GADGET file format. Its main purpose is to provide fast access to the magnetic field from SPH simulations.
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Conversion tool from CIM to Modelica Power Grid Models e.g. based on the ModPowerSystems package
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FMU that is able to communicate via Can-Bus. Included is a configurator tool for easy creation of the FMUs.
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Cyber-Physical-Social System Co-simulator based on Continuous-Time Markov Chain representation of attack trees
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