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PADME-PHT Development / PADME Central Service
MIT LicenseUpdated -
ACS / Public / Teaching materials / Grundgebiete der Informatik 3 / eduOS-rs
Apache License 2.0A teaching operating system written in Rust
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Coscine / backend / apis / Coscine
MIT LicenseThe Coscine API is a REST API that provides endpoints to interact with Coscine. You can interact with projects, resources, your files, your metadata, and much more.
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Control the air conditioning, e.g. for the lab.
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TerraByte-DNN2Sim / ISSM-preCICE
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicensepreCICE coupling framework Adapter for the Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM)
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Hechler, Patrick / Patr Java Profiler
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0A Java profiler written in Java
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Interface und Backend des Studierendenwohnheimes Turmstraße 1 "Hilton". Aufgabe: Verwaltung aller Daten des Wohnheimes und des Vereines "Turmstraße 1 e.V."
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ACS / Public / VILLASframework / VILLASnode
Apache License 2.0This a CI-only mirror of https://github.com/VILLASframework/node
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Lambert Theisen / fenicsR13
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyA Tensorial Mixed Finite Element Solver for the Linear R13 Equations Using the FEniCS Computing Platform
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nfdi4ing / S-3 / S-3-3 / metadataHub
Apache License 2.0Service for interacting with different kinds of metadata repositories implementing the turntable API or at least (for those frameworks not directly providing turntable API) a mapping for it.
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OROS / oros-fs-fuse
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
zukipro / Yolov5 For Plastic Brick Quality Classification
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
i10 / public / Dark Pattern Learning Game
MIT LicenseUpdated -
THG_TUDa / CO2-Rechner / co2-rechner-TU-Darmstadt-backend
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated