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Philipp Dreßen / libhermit
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseA Unikernel for Extreme-Scale Computing. Fork with the goal of adapting Unikernels for https://git.rwth-aachen.de/pdressen/docker-compose
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Lukas Weber / hdf5
Lawrence Berkeley National Labs BSD variant licenseClone from https://bitbucket.hdfgroup.org/projects/HDFFV/repos/hdf5/browse added meson.build
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Pre-and-postprocessing functions, function objects and applications for validating and verifying numerical methods for two-phase flows in OpenFOAM.
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Program for the Bachelor Thesis of Florian Schulze. It calculatets the numeric solution to the cosmic ray propagation equation, and calculate the spectrum of cosimc rays caused by a stocastic distribution of sources.
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Open source software for control of the quantum key distribution and its postprocessing.
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Brain Group / Maze Master
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyWith Maze Master comes a bundle which connects a 3D engine (Blender 3D) with a powerful design and control tool. With this it is possible to create and modulate complex mazes, simple tunnels or other forms of 3D constructs.
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Aron Zingler / json
MIT LicenseUpdated -