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Hier werden Ergebnisse, die im Zusammenhang mit dem Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum erarbeitet werden gesammelt.
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Example code for the course "Foundations of Computer Science 4"
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Example code for the course "Foundations of Computer Science 4"
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User Documentation of all VILLASframework related components: https://villas.fein-aachen.org/doc/
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Simple boundry condition generator for ABAQUS INP files. Written in C++ using only default libraries. Should work in every Linux distribution
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Simple cohesive element generator for ABAQUS INP files
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Simple cohesive element generator for ABAQUS INP files. Written in C++
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Awesome Elastic Resource Controller (just an example to demostrate GitLab CI goodness)
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Awesome Elastic Resource Controller (just an example to demostrate GitLab CI goodness)
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