Explore projects
Examples presented in the lecture "Foundations of Computer Science 3 - Operating Systems and System Security"
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A Python framework for the development and assessment of optimisation-based power scheduling algorithms for multi-energy systems in city districts.
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Preparing exam scans for ship out: Adding watermarks and encryption and batch upload to Moodle
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Biotechnology Laboratory Simulator. Visit online at: https://ulf.liebal.pages.rwth-aachen.de/biolabsim
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A teaching operating system written in Rust
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A teaching operating system written in Rust
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Dynexite Assistant for Marking with Integrated Table Export
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Preparing exam scans for ship out: Adding watermarks and encryption and batch upload to Moodle
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matlab and jupyter files to support the material taught in system theory II lectures
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Demos for lecture GDET3 - Signale und Systeme
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Repository of the DistAIX simulator for cyber-physical power systems
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A Tensorial Mixed Finite Element Solver for the Linear R13 Equations Using the FEniCS Computing Platform
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Quellcode der Roboter Anwendung des Praktikums Technische Informatik - Versuch 2: Verteilte und Echtzeitfähige Systeme (VUES)
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A web application providing interfaces for monitoring of algorithms and components, which manage the business logic, For e.g., execute an analysis Train, inspect the Trains results, view Trains logs and many more.
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