Explore projects
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Power System Analysis Toolbox from UCD
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moved to github: https://github.com/dpsim-simulator/reference-examples
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Simulation data that is used by the scripts in the other repos - mainly CaseStudies.
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The Matlab implementation for the SALSA algorithm (stable alternating least squares approximation) for tensor completion in the tensor train format. Includes all files (except multiprod) required to reproduce the results of the publication.
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A (mini) toolbox containing algorithms for the Tensor Train feasibility problem in "A geometrical description of feasible singular values in the Tensor Train format". The live script gives an introduction to the presented algorithms.
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VA microphone array simulations for UFRJ
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A scalable method for structure learning of continuous-time Bayesian networks from incomplete time-series data.
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Pulse Control Framework geared towards Qubit Control for Special-Measure
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