Explore projects
RWTH MediaLab / 19squared
MIT License19squared is a web application for creating and experiencing interactive 360° tours in extended reality environments.
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ClavelLab / Workshop Biometadata-02
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
Bachelorpraktikum_KOW / Kameraortungswagen
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
Niklas Börstinghaus / DPsim docs
Apache License 2.0Internal mirror of https://github.com/dpsim-simulator/docs
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Niklas Börstinghaus / docs example
Apache License 2.0Deprecated DPsim docs using gitlab CI. Use as example for gitlab pages.
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ClavelLab / Workshop Biometadata-01
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
Polaris / Public / rights-engine
MIT LicenseUpdated -
PADME-PHT Development / PADME Playground
MIT LicenseUpdated -
This repository serves as a knowledge base for Code Smells and Antipatterns in Software Engineering.
Available under https://swc-public.pages.rwth-aachen.de/smells/code-smells/
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NFDI4Earth / OneStop4All / OneStop4All-Implementation
Apache License 2.0The OneStop4All will be the central web-based access point to the NFDI4Earth resources and services. Its search functionality will tap into the NFDI4Earth Knowledge Hub as well as the connected remote sites and address the user requirements on the wide variety of NFDI4Earth resources. This includes searching for information on a range of RDM topics (e.g. on FAIR principles), finding and publishing data, engaging with education and training materials, exploring and using advancing tools and any other future resources.
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Polaris / Public / dashboard-sdk
MIT LicenseUpdated -
ACS / Public / Power System Simulation and Optimization / DistAIXFramework / distaixweb
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyFrontend and backend of web application for management and visualization of DistAIX simulation results