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C module that runs FastJet algorithms on PXL event data.
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Algorithm for automated reconstruction of particle cascades
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Collection of scripts and other useful stuff for PXL development
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Martin Kröning / gi4
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterExample code for the course "Foundations of Computer Science 4"
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Fricke, Mathis / contactline_advection_levelset
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterSolving the contact line advection problem with the level set method.
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VISPA is a novel development environment for high energy physics analyses, based on a combination of graphical and textual steering.
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Dieses Übungsprojekt implementiert austauschbare Integrationsmethoden für den gegebenen ODE Solver.
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Tim Übelhör / catkin-conan
The UnlicenseUsing conan in a catkin workspace to pull in external dependencies.
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Jonathan Müller / SPlisHSPlasH
MIT LicenseArchived 0Updated -
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Semi-analytical model for solar modulation in two dimensions.
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RoboGuide / filter_bay
MIT LicenseA small filter library for BAYesian filtering. It does not try to be an "Eierlegende Wollmilchsau" as it accepts that the filter models are just too different. Moved to https://gitlab.com/rwth-irt-public/flirt/flirt
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Tim Übelhör / tf_low_pass
MIT LicenseLow pass filter (time discrete exponential smoothing) for transforms.
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