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Niklas Börstinghaus / CPowerSystems
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyDeprecated model library that is now part of DPsim
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Institute of Technical Acoustics (ITA) / VACore
Apache License 2.0Core functionality for real-time auralization using different audio renderers and reproduction modules. Applications using the VACore are VAServer and VAGUI.
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3pia / PXL / pxl
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyPhysics eXtension Library: C++ class collection + Python bindings for high energy physics analyses.
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ACS / Public / VILLASframework / VILLASnode
Apache License 2.0This a CI-only mirror of https://github.com/VILLASframework/node
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AVT-SVT / public / DaeoDynamicOptimization
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterHere is the companion repository of the paper "Direct single shooting for dynamic optimization of differential-algebraic equation systems with optimization criteria embedded".
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Aranda Simbrón, Sofía / Medienserver
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterMedienwiedergabe für Live-Veranstaltungen
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Institute of Technical Acoustics (ITA) / ITAGeometricalAcoustics
Apache License 2.0Collection of C++ libraries to compute sound propagation based on the geometrical acoustics (GA) approach.
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Simon Pickartz / qemu
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyFork from git://git.qemu-project.org/qemu.git
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Quellcode der Roboter Anwendung des Praktikums Technische Informatik - Versuch 2: Verteilte und Echtzeitfähige Systeme (VUES)
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Pre-and-postprocessing functions, function objects and applications for validating and verifying numerical methods for two-phase flows in OpenFOAM.
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