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Commit c186d682 authored by Marcus Fuchs's avatar Marcus Fuchs
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Bring back Storage zone record

For #412
parent 929c1100
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within AixLib.DataBase.ThermalZones.OfficePassiveHouse;
record OPH_2_Storage
extends AixLib.DataBase.ThermalZones.ZoneBaseRecord(
n = 5,
aowo = 0.7,
Heater_on = true,
Cooler_on = false,
l_cooler = 0,
RatioConvectiveHeatLighting = 0.5,
usage = "Storage",
RoomArea = 502.0,
Vair = 2008.0,
alphaiwi = 2.27142857143,
alphaowi = 2.19100529101,
alphaowo = 25.0,
g = 0.78,
NrPeople = 0.0,
NrPeopleMachines = 0.0,
LightingPower = 11.3,
h_heater = 50200,
gsunblind = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1},
Aw = {32.5, 5.7, 32.5, 5.7, 0},
withWindows = true,
weightfactorswindow = {0.137367989694, 0.0240922320386, 0.137367989694, 0.0240922320386, 0},
weightfactorswall = {0.129329844626, 0.0227343498702, 0.129329844626, 0.0227343498702, 0.118645799557},
weightfactorground = 0.254305367987,
Ai = 1757.0,
withInnerwalls = true,
R1i = 3.77199442257e-05,
C1i = 420369709.263,
Ao = 567.0,
withOuterwalls = true,
R1o = 4.72002418185e-05,
RRest = 0.00127087222011,
C1o = 147705362.151,
orientationswallshorizontal = {90,90,90,90,0});
annotation (Documentation(revisions="<html>
<li><i>June, 2015&nbsp;</i> by Moritz Lauster:<br/>Implemented.</li>
</html>", info="<html>
<p><span style=\"font-family: MS Shell Dlg 2;\">Zone &quot;Storage&quot; of an example building according to an office building with passive house standard. The building is divided in six zones, this is a typical zoning for an office building. </span></p>
end OPH_2_Storage;
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