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File consists of several classes to model elements and assembly
layers of a composed device.
from __future__ import annotations
import uuid
import json
import operator
from enum import Enum, auto
from typing import List, Dict, Optional
from copy import deepcopy

class AggregationLayer(Enum):
    """Describes the levl of aggregation for the objects LegoComponent
    and LegoAssembly and provides the 4 applicable layers.

    SYSTEM = auto()
    ASSEMBLY = auto()
    SUBASSEMBLY = auto()
    COMPONENT = auto()

class LegoComponent:
    A class for storing information about a single Lego component.


    uuid : UUID
        A randomly generated unique identifier for the component.
    parent : None | LegoAssembly
        The parent of the component. Can be either None or a LegoAssembly object.
    layer : AggregationLayer
        An enumeration indicating the hierarchy level. For compoennts, this is
        COMPONENT by default.
    properties : dict
        Dictionary that holds all properties of the component that can be saved
        in a dictionary format.

        Returns a new instance of LegoComponent identical to the current instance.
        Returns the top-level assembly in which the component belongs.
        Returns the current instance represented as a dictionary.

    def __init__(
        label: Optional[str] = None,
        datasheet: Optional[dict] = None,
        *more_properties: dict,
    ) -> None:
        Constructs all the necessary attributes for the LegoComponent object.

            label : str, optional
                The name of the component to add.
            datasheet : dict, optional
                Metadata describing the component, read from datasheet.
            more_properties : tuple of dict, dict
                Additional dictionaries representing custom properties.
                Arbitrary keyword arguments representing custom properties.

                If the type of more_properties argument is not a dictionary.
        self.uuid: uuid.UUID = uuid.uuid4()
        self.parent: None | LegoAssembly = None
        self.layer: AggregationLayer = AggregationLayer.COMPONENT dict = {}
        if label is not None:
  ["label"] = label
        if datasheet is not None:
        for prop in more_properties:
            if isinstance(prop, dict):
                raise ValueError(f"Unexpected argument type: {type(more_properties)}")
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
  [key] = deepcopy(value)

    def clone(self, new_label: Optional[str] = None) -> LegoComponent:
        Returns a new instance of LegoComponent identical to the current instance.

        This method creates a new instance of LegoComponent that is identical to the
        current instance with an optional different label.
        The assigned uuid changes and elements are copied.

            new_label : str, optional
                A new label string to use. Defaults to None.

            A new instance of LegoComponent that is identical to the current instance.

        if new_label is None:
            new_label =["label"]
        clone = LegoComponent(None, None, deepcopy(["label"] = new_label
        return clone

    def get_root_assembly(self):
        Returns the top-level assembly in which the component belongs.

        This method traverses the parent hierarchy of a LegoComponent object until it
        finds the root-level LegoAssembly, returning it to the caller. A parent is
        assigned when a LegoComponent or LegoItem is added to a LegoAssembly object.

        None | LegoAssembly
            The root-level LegoAssembly or None if the component has no parent.
        if self.parent is None:
            return None
        current_assembly = self.parent
        while current_assembly.parent is not None:
            current_assembly = current_assembly.parent
        return current_assembly

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict:
        Returns the current instance represented as a dictionary.

        This method returns a dictionary representation of the LegoComponent object
        suitable for serialization as JSON.

            A dictionary representation of the object.
        dict_ = {
            "uuid": self.uuid,
            "layer": self.layer,
        return {"component": dict_}

    def __str__(self):
        Simple string representation of the object.
        return self.__repr__()

    def __repr__(self):
        String representation of the object including the component label and UUID.
        return f"LegoComponent {['label']} [{self.uuid}]"

class LegoAssembly:
    Represents a Lego assembly that can contain Lego Components and subassemblies.

        uuid (uuid.UUID): The unique ID of the assembly.
        parent (LegoAssembly or None): The parent assembly containing this one, if any.
        properties (dict): Optional properties for the assembly, such as a label.
        layer (AggregationLayer): The aggregation layer of the assembly.
        components (List[LegoComponent]): The list of contained components.
        assemblies (List[LegoAssembly]): The list of contained subassemblies.

    def __init__(
        layer: AggregationLayer,
        label: Optional[str] = None,
        *properties: dict,
    ) -> None:
        Initializes a new LegoAssembly instance.

            layer (AggregationLayer): The aggregation layer of the assembly.
            label (Optional[str], optional): Optional label for the assembly.
                Defaults to None.
            properties (dict): Optional properties for the assembly, such as a label.
            **kwargs: Optional keyword arguments for additional properties.
        self.uuid: uuid.UUID = uuid.uuid4()
        self.parent: None | LegoAssembly = None dict = {}
        self.layer: AggregationLayer = layer
        if label is not None:
  ["label"] = label
        for prop in properties:
            if isinstance(prop, dict):
                raise ValueError(f"Unexpected argument type: {type(properties)}")
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
  [key] = deepcopy(value)
        self.components: List[LegoComponent] = []
        self.assemblies: List[LegoAssembly] = []

    def add_component(self, component: LegoComponent | List[LegoComponent]) -> None:
        Adds a Lego component to the current assembly.
        Use add() to handle both components and assemblies.

            component (LegoComponent or List[LegoComponent]):
                The component or list of components to add.

            TypeError: If the argument is not a LegoComponent instance
                or a list of LegoComponent instances.
            AssertionError: If the component or a component with the same UUID
            is already contained in the assembly or any of its child assemblies.
        if isinstance(component, list):
            for c in component:

        if not isinstance(component, LegoComponent):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Argument should be of type {LegoComponent.__name__}, "
                f"got {type(component).__name__} instead."

        if self.get_root_assembly().contains_uuid(component.uuid):
            raise AssertionError(
                f"This assembly or a subassembly already contains "
                f"the component with ID "
        component.parent = self

    def add_assembly(self, assembly: LegoAssembly | List[LegoAssembly]) -> None:
        Adds a subassembly to the current assembly.
        Use add() to handle both components and assemblies.

            assembly (LegoAssembly or List[LegoAssembly]):
                The subassembly or list of subassemblies to add.

            TypeError: If the argument is not a LegoAssembly instance
                or a list of LegoAssembly instances.
            AssertionError: If the subassembly or a subassembly with the same UUID
                is already contained in the assembly or any of its child assemblies.
        if isinstance(assembly, list):
            for a in assembly:

        if not isinstance(assembly, LegoAssembly):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Argument should be of type {LegoAssembly.__name__}, "
                f"got {type(assembly).__name__} instead."

        if self.get_root_assembly().contains_uuid(assembly.uuid):
            raise AssertionError(
                f"This assembly or a subassembly already contains "
                f"the assembly with ID {assembly.uuid}."
        assembly.parent = self

    def add(
        self, part: LegoAssembly | LegoComponent | List[LegoAssembly | LegoComponent]
    ) -> None:
        Adds either a Lego component, a subassembly or a (mixed) list of them to the
        current assembly. Uses internal functions add_component() and add_assembly().

            part (LegoAssembly or LegoComponent or List[LegoAssembly or LegoComponent]):
                The part or parts to add.

            TypeError: If the argument is not a LegoAssembly instance or a LegoComponent
                instance, or a (mixed) list of them.
        if isinstance(part, LegoComponent):
        elif isinstance(part, LegoAssembly):
        elif isinstance(part, list):
            for p in part:
            raise TypeError(
                f"Argument should be of types {LegoAssembly.__name__}, "
                f"{LegoComponent.__name__} or a list of them. "
                f"Got {type(part).__name__} instead."

    def children(self) -> Dict[str, List[LegoComponent] | List[LegoAssembly]]:
        Returns a dictionary of the assembly's children (components and
        sub-assemblies), sorted by category.

            A dictionary with two keys - "components" and "assemblies" - and
            corresponding lists of LegoComponents and LegoAssemblies as values.
        return {"components": self.components, "assemblies": self.assemblies}

    def get_component_list(self, max_depth: int = -1) -> List[LegoComponent]:
        Gets a full list of all components contained in the assembly or any of
        its sub-assemblies.

            max_depth: An integer indicating the maximum depth of recursion.
                -1 means unlimited depth. 0 returns only direc children.

            A list of all LegoComponents contained in the current assembly or
            its sub-assemblies.
        component_list = []
        if max_depth > 0 or max_depth < 0:
            for assembly in self.assemblies:
                component_list.extend(assembly.get_component_list(max_depth - 1))
        return component_list

    def get_root_assembly(self) -> LegoAssembly:
        Returns the root LegoAssembly of the current assembly by recursively
        searching up the tree until the top-most parent (the root) is found.

            The root LegoAssembly of the current LegoAssembly instance.
        current_assembly = self
        while current_assembly.parent is not None:
            current_assembly = current_assembly.parent
        return current_assembly

    def contains_uuid(self, uuid_: uuid.UUID):
        Recursively searches through the assembly  and component
        tree to determine whether the specified UUID exists anywhere
        within it.

            uuid_: A UUID object representing the ID to search for.

            True if the UUID exists in the assembly or any of its sub-assemblies,
                False otherwise.
        component_ids = list(map(lambda c: c.uuid, self.components))
        if uuid_ in component_ids:
            return True
        assembly_ids = list(map(lambda a: a.uuid, self.assemblies))
        if uuid_ in assembly_ids:
            return True
        for assembly in self.assemblies:
            if assembly.contains_uuid(uuid_):
                return True
        return False

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict:
        Serializes the current LegoAssembly instance and its descendants into a dict.

            A dictionary representation of the current assembly, including all
            of its component and sub-assembly children.
        dict_ = {
            "uuid": self.uuid,
            "layer": self.layer,
        dict_["components"] = [component.to_dict() for component in self.components]
        dict_["assemblies"] = [assembly.to_dict() for assembly in self.assemblies]
        return {"assembly": dict_}

    def __repr__(self):
        String representation of the object including the component label and UUID.
        return f"LegoAssembly {['label']} [{self.uuid}]"

    def clone(self, label: Optional[str] = None) -> LegoAssembly:
        Creates a deep clone of the current LegoAssembly instance, including
        all of its component and sub-assembly children. The assigned uuid changes.
        Optionally a new label can be passed.

            label: The label (name) for the cloned assembly. If none is passed,
            uses the same label as the original assembly.

            The cloned LegoAssembly instance.
        if label is None:
            label =["label"]
        clone = LegoAssembly(self.layer, None, deepcopy(["label"] = label
        for component in self.components:
        for assembly in self.assemblies:
        return clone

def print_assembly_tree(root, levels=None):
    Prints the assembly tree starting from root with a visualization
    implemented with text characters.

        root (LegoAssembly): The root of the assembly tree to print.
        levels (List[bool]): Internally used by recursion to know where
            to print vertical connection. Defaults to an empty list.
    if not isinstance(root, LegoAssembly):
        raise TypeError(
            f"Argument should be of type {LegoAssembly.__name__}, "
            f"got {type(root).__name__} instead."
    if levels is None:
        levels = []
    connection_padding = "".join(map(lambda draw: "" if draw else "    ", levels))
    assembly_padding = ""
    if len(levels) > 0:
        assembly_padding = "├── " if levels[-1] else "└── "
    """ Recursively print child components. """
    for i, assembly in enumerate(root.assemblies):
        is_last = i == len(root.assemblies) - 1 and len(root.components) == 0
        print_assembly_tree(assembly, [*levels, not is_last])
    """ Print the components. """
    for i, component in enumerate(root.components):
        component_padding = "├── " if i < len(root.components) - 1 else "└── "

def correct_aggregation_hierarchy(root: LegoAssembly, strict: bool = False):
    Recursively checks whether the aggregation hierarchy from `root` is correct.

        root (LegoAssembly): The root of the assembly tree.
        strict (bool): If True, the function will return False if any assembly
            or component with a layer level equal to root's is found.
            Defaults to False.

        True if the aggregation hierarchy is correct. False otherwise.
    if not isinstance(root, LegoAssembly):
        raise TypeError(
            f"Argument should be of type {LegoAssembly.__name__}, "
            f"got {type(root).__name__} instead."
    higher_level = operator.le
    if strict:
        higher_level =
    for component in root.components:
        if not higher_level(root.layer.value, component.layer.value):
            return False
    for assembly in root.assemblies:
        if not higher_level(root.layer.value, assembly.layer.value):
            return False
        if not correct_aggregation_hierarchy(assembly, strict):
            return False
    return True

class KPIEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    JSON encoder that handles special class types for KPI serialization.

    def default(self, o):
        Overrides default method to handle special conversion cases.

            o : Object to be converted.

            Converted object or super method if no applicable case is found.
        if isinstance(o, uuid.UUID):
            return "kpi-" + str(o)
        if isinstance(o, (AggregationLayer)):
            return "kpi-" +
        return super().default(o)