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The VILLAS project website: https://villas.fein-aachen.org
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The project VISPA@WEB provides a novel graphical development environment for physics analyses which only requires a standard web browser on the client machine.
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Web based playground for crystal structure http://gdlmx.github.io/viscrystal/
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This a CI-only mirror of https://github.com/VILLASframework/web
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Interface und Backend des Studierendenwohnheimes Turmstraße 1 "Hilton". Aufgabe: Verwaltung aller Daten des Wohnheimes und des Vereines "Turmstraße 1 e.V."
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Static content of the official www.virtualacoustics.de website.
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Static website for Virtual Acoustics (VA), after launch accessible via http://www.virtualacoustics.org
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Documentation of the turntable interface based on DOIP.