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Helps to automate SNLO simulations with an autoclicker. See https://github.com/BenediktBurger/snlo-helper for continued work.
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Jupyter Notebook Plugin for RDF, SPARQL, ShEx, SHACL, OWL and PROV Support
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This library handles all our database migrations.
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We provide a data model generated using linq2DB, allowing us to access our database via linq. A migration tool based on fluent migrator is used for stable and reversible database migrations.
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This library contains all common api functionality.
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The program parses the data from the RWTH export.
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C module that runs Pythia 8 and converts the output to a PXL event.
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This repository migrates all existing PIDs to a FAIR Digital Object.
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This repository migrates all existing PIDs to the current URL, METAURL and DATAURL definition for them.
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This project aims to be able to generate Code from our Swagger / OpenAPI definitions.
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A generic C++ library for geometrical operations on polygon / polyhedron soups.
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!DEPRECATED! Has been unified with other landing page projects and is now part of: https://git.rwth-aachen.de/nfdi4earth/crosstopics/landing-pages This project administrates the central landing page of the NFDI4Earth Knowledge Hub. https://knowledgehub.nfdi4earth.de/
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This project handles the scheduled user import.
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moved to github: https://github.com/sogno-platform/dpsim
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