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Coscine / backend / apis / Coscine
MIT LicenseThe Coscine API is a REST API that provides endpoints to interact with Coscine. You can interact with projects, resources, your files, your metadata, and much more.
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Coscine / backend / scripts / GraphDeployer
MIT LicenseThis repository handles the deployment of every static graph which gets included into the CoScInE environment.
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Institute of Technical Acoustics (ITA) / VACS
Apache License 2.0VACS is a C++ wrapper library for VANet in order to expose a C-style API that can be easily imported as native library for C#. Main application is the VAUnity project (connect Unity with VA).
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Coscine / backend / scripts / ServiceWrapper
MIT LicenseSimple wrapper to start an arbitrary executable as a windows service.
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Coscine / backend / scripts / S3Zip
MIT LicenseThe allows to zip a folder and/or upload a whole stream in chunks to a S3 object store.
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Coscine / backend / scripts / DfgStructureParser
MIT LicenseParser converting a rdf file for the dfg structure to turtle.
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Coscine / research / SemanticSearch / Evaluation
MIT LicenseContains the evaluation of the SemanticSearch research.
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Contains the implementation of the SemanticSearch research.
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nfdi4ing / S-3 / S-3-3 / DoipDataCiteInterface
MIT LicenseThis repository contains source code for creating a doip & data cite combined interface.
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Coscine / backend / scripts / SQL2Linked
MIT LicenseThis project migrates part of our relational database (MSSQL) to the metadata store (Virtuoso).
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Coscine / backend / scripts / TrellisMigrator
MIT LicenseAdds necessary triples for Trellis usage.
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Coscine / backend / apis / STS
MIT LicenseThis project provides the functionality of a login service for the Coscine platform.
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Coscine / backend / libraries / ApiClient
MIT LicenseThis repository contains the .NET ApiClient for Coscine's API.
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Find birds by listening to their songs. A project showcasing the VA framework and its Unity integration.
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A small game submitted to the GMTK game jam 2024.
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This program checks for the IP connections needed for resource types
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