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Coscine / frontend / apps / x-vue-template-old
MIT LicenseArchived 0Updated -
Coscine / frontend / apps / x-vue-template
MIT LicenseArchived 0Updated -
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ACS / Public / VILLASframework / Website
Apache License 2.0The VILLAS project website: https://villas.fein-aachen.org
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This project handles the .NET interaction with WaterButler in the CoScInE environment.
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Authenticationhandler for waterbutler, using the coscine enviorment.
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Coscine / backend / waterbutler
Apache License 2.0This is a fork of the repository: https://github.com/CenterForOpenScience/waterbutler
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Coscine / frontend / libraries / vuex-store
MIT LicenseA component that provides access to a storage that can be used to share data between apps.
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VISPA is a novel development environment for high energy physics analyses, based on a combination of graphical and textual steering.
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Coscine / backend / scripts / VirtuosoSetup
MIT LicenseTheprogram handles the setup of vituoso.
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