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Will be deprecated in favour of using .rosinstall + wstool https://git.rwth-aachen.de/robo_guide/robo_guide_rosinstall/
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ACS / Public / Power System Automation and Monitoring / pyVolt / pyVolt
Mozilla Public License 2.0State estimation and powerflow algorithms. Continued in github: https://github.com/sogno-platform/pyvolt
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Martin Kröning / Pi Parallelization Examples
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterExploring several strategies for parallelizing code.
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ACS / Public / Power System Simulation and Optimization / matpower
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseClone of https://github.com/MATPOWER/matpower
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ModeliChart / ModeliChart FrontEnd
MIT LicenseThe intuitive FMU simulator frontend .NET application.
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Applications using DPsim as simulation package
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Dipl.-Ing. Jonas Stienen / VAWebsite
Apache License 2.0Static website for Virtual Acoustics (VA), after launch accessible via http://www.virtualacoustics.org
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Nicholas Book / SCE Project SS22
MIT LicenseRepository for the final project of Sustainable Computational Engineering (summer semester '22).
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Coscine / backend / libraries / ApiCommons
MIT LicenseThis library contains all common api functionality.
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C module that runs Pythia 8 and converts the output to a PXL event.
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Tim Übelhör / cv_pixel_counter
MIT LicenseROS node that counts the number of pixels of a given color in an image. Uses the opencv_apps image_filter nodes to segment the image and counts the segmented pixels.
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Custom FMU from C++ code, which implements the interface. Additionally a configuration tool is provided to set up custom FMUs in an easy way.
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Lang, Sandra / A Geometric Approach to the Projective Tensor Norm
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalThis repository provides the source code of the programs and a map for the PhD thesis "A Geometric Approach to the Projective Tensor Norm" (Sandra Lang, Fachbereich Mathematik, AG Operatoralgebren und Quantenstochastik, Prof. Dr. Burkhard Kümmerer, Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2022).
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Felix Paul Casser / gi4_uebung07
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 3.0 GermanyGI4 - Übung 7
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