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Coscine / backend / scripts / VirtuosoSetup
MIT LicenseTheprogram handles the setup of vituoso.
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Collection of scripts and other useful stuff for PXL development
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This project accepts console arguments and can update Consul variables and update configuration files
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i5 / UltraGraphQL
Apache License 2.0Archived 0Updated -
Jung, Georg / tudarmstadt-design-latex
MIT LicenseDieses Repository unterstützt beim Erstellen von Abschlussarbeiten und sonstigen Dokumenten im Corporate Design der TU Darmstadt in LaTeX. Große Teile des Prozesses wurden automatisiert. Origin: https://gitlab.com/georg.jung/tudarmstadt-design-latex/
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i5 / FactDAG / Trellis
Apache License 2.0Forked from https://github.com/trellis-ldp/trellis
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ACS / Public / third-party / telegraf-sogno
MIT Licensefork of the telegraf project: https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf
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Coscine / backend / scripts / SPPageDeployer
MIT LicenseThis project provides an executable that deploys all SharePoint pages for the CoScInE environment.
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Will be deprecated in favour of using .rosinstall + wstool https://git.rwth-aachen.de/robo_guide/robo_guide_rosinstall/
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The program parses the data from the RWTH export.
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This project deploys organizations to the Virtuoso database.
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Docker images that can be used with the GitLab CI to run tests for Moodle Plugins.
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See here for further development: https://git.rwth-aachen.de/nfdi4ing/s-3/s-3-3/metadatahubdemonstrator This application is a prototype demonstration of the Metadata Hub.
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