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Paper on Geometry-based diffraction auralization for real-time applications in environmental noise by Jonas Stienen and Michael Vorländer, RWTH Aachen University, Germany.
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AVT-SVT / public / thirdparty / fmilib
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" Licensefmilib is a library to access functional mock-up units. It is adapted from the jmodelica fmilib.
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RoboGuide / iiwa_com
MIT LicenseEnables basic communication with a KUKA LBR iiwa robot by utilizing a Sunrise Project, protocol buffers and ROS.
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RoboGuide / scigl_render
MIT LicenseArchived 0Updated -
Tim Übelhör / tf_low_pass
MIT LicenseLow pass filter (time discrete exponential smoothing) for transforms.
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RoboGuide / filter_bay
MIT LicenseA small filter library for BAYesian filtering. It does not try to be an "Eierlegende Wollmilchsau" as it accepts that the filter models are just too different. Moved to https://gitlab.com/rwth-irt-public/flirt/flirt
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Jonathan Müller / SPlisHSPlasH
MIT LicenseArchived 0Updated -
Tim Übelhör / catkin-conan
The UnlicenseUsing conan in a catkin workspace to pull in external dependencies.
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Tim Übelhör / cv_pixel_counter
MIT LicenseROS node that counts the number of pixels of a given color in an image. Uses the opencv_apps image_filter nodes to segment the image and counts the segmented pixels.
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Dieses Übungsprojekt implementiert austauschbare Integrationsmethoden für den gegebenen ODE Solver.
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Algorithm for automated reconstruction of particle cascades
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C module that runs FastJet algorithms on PXL event data.
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Auto-correlation as in e.g. in The Pierre Auger Collaboration, Update on the correlation of the highest energy cosmic rays with nearby extragalactic matter, Astropart. Phys., 2010, 34, 314-326.
The module creates a BasicNVector in a UserRecord for the
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