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Coscine / frontend / apps / Resources
MIT LicenseThis app handles the resources list.
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Coscine / frontend / apps / UserManagement
MIT LicenseThis app displays the user management.
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Coscine / frontend / apps / I18n
MIT LicenseThe project handles the language strings within Coscine.
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Coscine / frontend / apps / ResourceCreate
MIT LicenseThis app handles the creation and editing process of a resource.
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Coscine / frontend / apps / ProjectView
MIT LicenseWeb App to handle the view for CoScInE projects.
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Coscine / frontend / libraries / app-util
MIT LicenseThis library provides utility functions for all our app projects.
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Coscine / frontend / apps / app-demo
MIT LicenseArchived 0Updated -
Coscine / frontend / apps / SearchV2
MIT LicenseArchived 0Updated -
Coscine / frontend / apps / SidebarMenu
MIT LicenseSidebarMenu for the CoScInE application.
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Vue template handling the creation of coscine user sub projects.
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This projects contains components for our vue.js apps.
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Coscine / frontend / apps / TokenConfirmation
MIT LicenseThe app handle is a landing page for the confirmation of token.
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Coscine / frontend / apps / Banner
MIT LicenseThis project handles the display of banner within the coscine.
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Coscine / frontend / apps / UserProfile
MIT LicenseThis app displays the user profile.
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Coscine / frontend / apps / ResourceEdit
MIT LicenseThis app handles the editing of resources wihin the coscine environment.
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Coscine / frontend / apps / SupportAdmin
MIT LicenseAdmin page allowing support staff to access and change project quotas.
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Coscine / frontend / libraries / api-connection
MIT LicenseThis library provides the api-connection functionality to all Coscine TypeScript and Vue projects. (Deprecated)
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Coscine / frontend / apps / UserList
MIT LicenseThis app displays a list with all members of the current project.
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Coscine / frontend / apps / QuotaManagement
MIT LicenseThis app handles the quota management for a CoScInE project.
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