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DSO Technical Platform Deployment

This repository contains deployment instructions and corresponding configuration files for the Platone DSO Technical Platform. The core platform is based on the SOGNO platform. We assume you have a full-fleged or light-weight kubernetes cluster up and running. Please ensure you setup is in line with this base setup.

Visualization Stack


$ helm repo add bitnami
$ helm repo update
$ helm install -n dsotp --create-namespace -f databus/rabbitmq_values.yaml rabbitmq bitnami/rabbitmq

Timeseries Database

$ helm repo add influxdata
$ helm repo update
$ helm install influxdb influxdata/influxdb -n dsotp -f ts-database/influxdb-helm-values.yaml

Find pod

$ kubectl --namespace dsotp get pods

Login to the pod

# kubectl --namespace dsotp exec -i -t [pod name] /bin/sh

Run influxdb CLI

$ influx

Create database and user telegraf and grant access

> SHOW Databases
> CREATE USER telegraf WITH PASSWORD 'telegraf'
> GRANT ALL ON "telegraf" TO "telegraf"

TS-DB Adapter

Create configmaps and deploy telegraf using the configmap

$ kubectl apply -k ts-adapter/
$ kubectl apply -f ts-adapter/telegraf-deployment.yaml


$ helm install grafana stable/grafana -f visualization/grafana_values.yaml

Get admin password

$ kubectl get secret -n dsotp grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo