VISPA Release 1.0
(from redmine: created on 2011-03-31)
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
- Enable Undo and Redo fo BatchJobEditor
- Investigate usage of exceptions
- Add mechanism for custom ModuleController
- The order NewFile menu entries should not be arbitrary
- Grid for Analysis Designer
- Problems with selection in LineDecayView
- Filter on Objects in Treeview
- Progress bar in Run Dialog
- implement DataPorts / ParameterPorts
- implement search history
- Determine behaviour of displaying unknown objects in visual which inherit from known objects
- benchmarks for gui components and algorithms
- Increase overall stability of AnalysisDesigner
- Create abstract AnalysisDesigner that is independent from PXL
- Preferences: Add option to select script location
- When drawing connections, also change mouse cursor on possible connection completion
- Daemonize Batch Manager - and include mechanism to resubmit crashed jobs
- Comment Box
- Include standard/favorite Python scripts in module list
- Web ModuleMarket
- PXL-Module packages
- Vispa as IDE
- Module Grouping
- Refresh module list button for AnalysisDesigner
- Review python code performance
- Add description/help texts to modules
- Add additional ways of inserting particles in PXL Editor
- Add supersymmetric line styles
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Design icons for BatchJobDesigner actions
- Make TMVA training example work for ROOT >= 5.24
- Enable multiple selection of modules in AnalysisDesigner
- Easier selection of Particles in LineDecayView
- Provide a grid to align modules (optionally)
- Python Scripts
- Vispa Crashes when dropping python script, which produces segfault when running
- add "set default parameters from script" button to Modules
- clean up PxlDataAccessor code
- WidgetContainer label is not displayed when collapsed
- Screenshot does not work properly - connection lines are not saved
- Default values in modules given in constructor are overwritten (e.g. OutputModule)
- BrowserController does not remeber current view in ini
- BoxDecayTree has space between last particle and bottom of the box
- boolean properties are unchangable
- WindgetConatiners are not corretly arranged/resized since changes this/last week
- Restructure Vispa files
- Review CenterView code and integrate LineDecayView
- Review CenterView code and integrate LineDecayView
- Enhance threadchain
- Filter+Find crash on next event
- Decide custom tool tip for every single property entry
- Abortable Views (if openen a huge file)
- Display object-wise in PxlBrowser, not per file section
- Implement vector of string in AnalysisDesigner properties
- Improve layout of start-up screen
- PyModule with variable number of sources crashes
- Adapt skeleton scripts to common coding style
- VISPA Gui creates modules with same name if same python script is chosen
- Display output in Run Analysis Dialog on time
- Fontsize does not change on zoom in PyQt 4.5
- saveImage() pictures have wrong size
- Optimise SetBoxContent for mixed containers
- optimize autolayout python code in LineDecayTree
- Upgrade 'Python Script Tree View' to "Workbench"
- Create tools for export of complete analysis
- Make decay tree graph view work for many particles
- Make box decay tree view work for many particles
- Add close tab icon (either in tab bar or icon bar)
- Create management of preferences
- Add edit button to multiline properties
- pxlio file handles not released when tab is closed
- Pxl Browser has problems reading BasicContainers containing objects from pxl.astro
- Don't give error message when config browser not present
- Include only things which are actually able ro run in testAll script
- Run Analysis has defqault last analysis - current tab would be better
- Scriptfilter display
- Analysis Execution Window doesnt display output on time
- Implement Undo/Redo
- allow ps and pdf export of Workspace
- Combine Scriptfilter graphically to one module
- problems with textfields
- problem with connections drag and drop
- increase drop area around ports
- "Couldn't resolve property: 2" message appears 5 times on vispa startup
- documentation for resources, debian, setup
- problem with source port position
- zoomed positions save to xml
- improve connection design
- problem drag+drop of ports behind a connection widget
- Provide uniform icon set
- problem with deleting connections in AnalysisDesigner
- containers do not resize correctly on zoom
- read metainfo from python scripts and configure scriptfilter accordingly
- open files interactively
- Close Tab Buttons
- problem with sizeHint of VispaWidgets with ports
- implement test for the VispaWidget
- scriptfilter modules
- When switching to new event, properties view does not update automatically
- allow searching for several properties
- printable color and shape scheme for boxes and lines
- TableView as alternative to BoxDecayTree and AutoLayoutDecayTree
- rewrite PxlDataAccessor using pxl random access io
- decay tree using AutoLayouter
- Cannot edit StringVector options in python Module
- PropertyView: Add context menu to ease copying of property names
- Add more status about managed jobs
- redisgn replace labels option
- Removal of multiple jobs very slow
- Prevent user from using same module name twice
- Opening PXL file in same directory via command line does not work anymore
- Improve size of view log, ... Windows
- Problem reloading open files
- Reloading of analysis does not work properly
- Enlarge default range on all sides of main window in analysis designer
- Change mouse pointer on mouse over interesting items
- Create direct submit to batch system button in analysis designer
- Show correct submission time im manager view
- Allow easier remove of options by selecting multiple options
- Fix error message load / save job
- Allow multiple input files on command line
- Integrate batch system into start screen
- Problems with saving/restoring module positions
- When pressing Ctrl-a while editing property view string field, select whole text, not all modules in analysis
- Repeated freezes of VISPA GUI since new module system is available
- Allow enabling/disabling of modules from the GUI
- Fix enabling/disabling of module
- Boolean module options are not saved to xml
- Display option description on mouse-over
- Reenable selection (drag-dropping) of python scripts into analysis
- Select script from menu on top of module does not work properly; selecting in property view does
- Fix tmva example
- fix ntupl;e_filler example
- Fix split_3_streams example
- OutputPath and SearchPath for analysis not properly set in Vispa
- Moving particles in PxlEditor
- Visualization of vertices in Vispa
- Module menu is visible in Save image
- UserRecord doesnt accept numpy.float64
- Problems with option names
- Add keyboard-based marking
- Add keyboard-based navigation
- PyPxl __doc__ strings are not in CMakeList.txt
- Improve documentation of skeleton scripts, especially regarding sinks/sources
- Improve release test procedure
- Generator module: Make number of generated events generically configurable
- Create generic and configurable generator module to ease performance testing
- Setting charge in event editor does not work
- Editing four-vector properties of particles seems to be possible, but actually isn't
- Most users don't understand that/why double-clicking hides a box, and how it can be enlarged again
- Double click on particle in editor should not hide EventView
- Many actions are unclear and invisible for the new user
- When connecting modules from sink to source, lines are not drawn correspondingly (was: Modules can't be connected from sink to source)
- analysis can't be terminated with stop button
- Problems in PxlEditor/LineDecayView
- Improve performance of the DataAccessor properties functions
- Button and menu for collapsing/expanding container
- Add further actions for inserting modules
- Vispa Crashes when custom module throws segfault