expired on Jul 6, 2009
Vispa release 0.2
(from redmine: created on 2011-03-31)
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Test vispa-0.2.5 downloads on platforms
- Test vispa-0.2.4 downloads on platforms
- make VISPA compatible with PyQt 4.5
- Creation of skeletons stopped working
- Drag and drop of python files doesn't work anymore
- Drag and Drop of python scripts stopped wotking in revision 563
- Factorise/organize AnalysisDesigner examples
- Doubleclick creates New Scriptfilter
- Box View: Connections disappear when zooming
- Module design: Add lines between ports, add picture describing the module
- Provide skeleton python scripts for analyser, filter, etc, and handling thereof [was: add file management convenience]
- pxlrun doesn't terminate when not connected script filter in analysis
- Check (and fix) Python 2.6 compatibility
- Vispa freezes ...
- None view should disable the zoom
- Double Click to open File stoped working in revision 446
- svg import does not work in binary version
- run dialog default not intuitiv
- svg icons are not displayed in ConfigBrowser release version
- double clicking on modules
- in examples: display root output automatically after run
- DoubleClick in Linux
- Create PDG Id and particle name management/mapping class
- Autolayout crashes when opening new files and does not work with BasicContainer (modified)
- Vispa doesn"t complain if file cannot be written (e.g. due to permissions)
- enable selection of particles in the line decay tree
- Individual action on doubleclick for every module type
- Warning when InputFile or Scriptfilter has no file
- Execution logic does not work properly
- Improve "Getting started with VISPA" (was: Write...)
- scriptfilter sceleton
- allow user to set zoom factor e.g. via menu and InputDialog or via toolbar