expired on Apr 2, 2009
Vispa release 0.1
(from redmine: created on 2011-03-31)
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Analysis Designer Window is not drawn properly
- Lots of unnecessary whitespace added after execution in run analysis
- View python Scripts always shows fixed diretory
- Run analysis: Optimise properties of opened shell and of output in window
- Problem with relative paths
- BUG: Can't use two ScriptFilters in Analysis
- Cannot Stop Running Analysis
- close tab / save convenience
- No current tab controller in Application
- vispa can't deal with astro
- Zoom buttons only appear in analysis designer
- On first opening of a new file or analysis, icon bar doesn't properly update
- problem with serializable and readObjects(serializable)?
- deselction of subcontainers in BoxDecayTree does not work properly
- write guide for developers
- problem with sizeHint and resize of vispawidgets
- vispawidget with setAutoresizeEnabled(True,False) look wrong when selected
- Revision 180 breaks Event browser.
- Create nice colour scheme for presenting new VISPA GUI
- BasicContainer crashes in Visual while vector<Serializable*> works
- fix problem with readObjects and vector<serializable> in new pypxl
- Submit SF Trac feature request to allow sending e-mails
- provide small example files for plugins
- tar-ball and installation script for SLC4
- provide example analysis
- diagonal connection lines
- connections in BoxDecayTree
- WidgetContainer not displayed correctly
- Submit doxygen files and provide documentation how to run