ConfigEditor release
(from redmine: created on 2011-03-31)
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Fix Qt plugin bug in CMSSW
- Review modified objects of sequence operations
- Implement RemoveModule tool
- Write ConfigEditor Twiki
- Move DotExport to GuiBrowsers
- Allways show import config button
- Problem with changing PSet value
- Move ParameterSet_patch to GuiBrowsers
- List each modification as single entry
- Implement highliting of modified/added/deleted modules
- Show neighboring modules in CenterView
- Configuring output commands using ConfigEditor
- Implement feeback from PAT tutorial
- ConfigEditor doesn't read allways comments from configfiles
- Create icon to indicate moving to multiline mode
- Order of history changes on reload
- Implement mofication of sequences
- Display needed input on Configuration file
- List each modification as single entry
- Reduce updating in ConfigEditor
- Deep check of changing properties of modules
- Check performance of ParameterSet_patch
- Add icon to edit button of multiline property
- Improve sizing of PropertyView
- Visualize sequence operators
- Fix cms.InputTag setParameter
- Make new tools run without ParameterSet_patch
- Double import statements
- Improve BoxView behaviour for many objects
- Review PatTool behaviour without ParameterSet_patch
- Implement addition of comments to config file