VISPA Release 0.7
(from redmine: created on 2012-03-29)
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
- Allow usage of enviroment variables, e.g. fior filenames to be consistent with PXL
- Paste is not undone after module copy
- EdmBrowser does not work
- ConfigEditor fails during plugin loading
- Create doxygen for 0.7 release
- Renaming of PySwitch output results in buggy xml file
- "File names" string has to be 32767 characters long at maximum
- Tab stays modified after undo
- PxlEditor can not connect further particles after previous deletion
- New modules added when other module cannot lose focus appear as marked
- Check if EDM browser tests work when CMSSW is installed.
- Save conmsole output of analysis execution to file
- BatchManagerViewer showoutput update intervall too short
- Memory leak on open+close file
- implement edit, copy, paste in AnalysisDesigner
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Use script skeletons from PXL
- Vispa cannot open files containing empty basic containers
- Module Skeletons should use pxl::Logger
- BatchManagerViewer: New status bar in shows "processing bar" instead of emoty or (Running/Pending/... "0 / 0 (0%)") if one deletes all jobs
- BatchManager runs multiple instances of a "restarted job"
- BatchJobDesigner fails to read old .job files
- BatchJobDesigner: Add check if programm is available and executeable
- new PluginManagers are created by simply importing the PluginManager module
- (Re) Enable GUI Access to Filtering in JobList views
- Deprecation warnings in GUI (perhaps related to Mac touchpad)
- Make job stati more abstract
- Extend or revise configuration system