#' Function to calculate the mean power of the bias-adjusted and bias-unadjusted stratified Wei-Lachin test regarding a sample of randomization lists of several randomization procedures
#' @param balancing the balancing of the total sample across the strata, i.e. in the case of balanced strata balancing=rep(1,K)
#' @param m number of endpoints
#' @param randomization one of the randomization procedures "RAR", "PBR", "BSD", "MP", "EBC" (default parameter for this randomization procedures: PBR(4), BSD(3), EBC(0.67), MP(3))
#' @param r_number number of randomization lists that contained in the sample
#' @return A list that consists of two lists containing matrices representing the samples of randomization lists per strata and the matrices containing the sign of the biasing factor corresponding to these randomization lists
#' @param balancing the balancing of the total sample across the strata, i.e. in the case of balanced strata balancing=rep(1,K)
#' @param m number of endpoints
#' @param Sigma covariance matrix of the patient responses regarding the m endpoints
#' @param mu_E expected value of the experimental group
#' @param mu_C expected value of the control group
#' @param randomization one of the randomization procedures "RAR", "PBR", "BSD", "MP", "EBC" (default parameter for this randomization procedures: PBR(4), BSD(3), EBC(0.67), MP(3))
#' @param eta Kxm matrix containing the endpoint and strata specific biasing factors
#' @param r_number number of randomization lists that be used to calculate mean T1E under misspecification and the probabilities of obtaining an a T1E under misspecification that exceeds the 5% significance level
#' @return a dataframe with variables @param N, @param K, @param m, @param eta, @param randomization, mean power of the bias-adjusted and bias-undadjusted stratified Wei-Lachin test
#' Simulations of the simulation study outlined in the manuscript "A bias-adjusted analysis of stratified clinical trials with multi-component endpoints using the Wei-Lachin test"
#'Mean power across 10 000 randomization lists generated by different RPs in clinical trials with N = 32 patients, m = 2 endpoints, K = 2 strata and common allocation bias effect across endpoints and strata chosen as proportion ρ ∈ {0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1} of the effect sizes ∆_{32,2,2} = 0.64.