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Commit cbcd4423 authored by Christoph Ruegg's avatar Christoph Ruegg
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parent c83bbd60
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......@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ module private InfixParser =
let abs p = between (str_ws "|") (str_ws "|") p |>> Expression.Abs
let number : Expression parser =
let options =
||| NumberLiteralOptions.AllowFractionWOIntegerPart
let options =
||| NumberLiteralOptions.AllowFractionWOIntegerPart
||| NumberLiteralOptions.AllowInfinity
||| NumberLiteralOptions.AllowExponent
numberLiteral options "number" .>> ws
|>> fun num ->
if num.IsInfinity then Expression.PositiveInfinity
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ module private InfixParser =
let identifier : Expression parser =
let isMathChar = function | '\u03C0' | '\u221E' | '\u29DD' -> true | _ -> false
let isIdentifierFirstChar c = isLetter c || isMathChar c
let isIdentifierChar c = isLetter c || isDigit c || isMathChar c || c = '_'
let isIdentifierChar c = isLetter c || isDigit c || isMathChar c || c = '_'
many1Satisfy2L isIdentifierFirstChar isIdentifierChar "identifier" .>> ws
|>> function // differentating between constants and identifiers
| "pi" | "\u03C0" -> Expression.Constant Pi
namespace MathNet.Symbolics
open System
open System.Numerics
open MathNet.Numerics
open MathNet.Symbolics
open System.Linq.Expressions
type VisualExpression =
| Identifier of Symbol
| Constant of Constant
| PositiveInteger of BigInteger
| PositiveFloatingPoint of double
| Parenthesis of VisualExpression
| Prodct of VisualExpression list
| Fraction of VisualExpression * VisualExpression
| Negative of VisualExpression
| Sum of VisualExpression list
| Power of VisualExpression * VisualExpression
| Function of string * VisualExpression
| FunctionN of string * (VisualExpression list)
| ComplexInfinity
| Infinity
| Undefined
module VisualExpression =
let fromExpression expression =
let parenthesis priority threshold ve = if priority > threshold then VisualExpression.Parenthesis ve else ve
let rec convert priority = function
| Number n when n.IsNegative && n.IsInteger ->
VisualExpression.Negative (VisualExpression.PositiveInteger (-n.Numerator))
|> parenthesis priority 0
| Number n when n.IsNegative ->
VisualExpression.Negative (VisualExpression.Fraction (VisualExpression.PositiveInteger (-n.Numerator), VisualExpression.PositiveInteger n.Denominator))
|> parenthesis priority 1
| Number n when n.IsInteger ->
VisualExpression.PositiveInteger n.Numerator
| Number n ->
VisualExpression.Fraction (VisualExpression.PositiveInteger n.Numerator, VisualExpression.PositiveInteger n.Denominator)
|> parenthesis priority 1
| Approximation (Approximation.Real fp) when fp < 0.0 ->
VisualExpression.Negative (VisualExpression.PositiveFloatingPoint (-fp))
|> parenthesis priority 0
| Approximation (Approximation.Real fp) -> VisualExpression.PositiveFloatingPoint fp
| Approximation (Approximation.Complex fp) when fp.IsRealNonNegative() -> VisualExpression.PositiveFloatingPoint fp.Real
| Approximation (Approximation.Complex fp) when fp.IsReal() ->
VisualExpression.Negative (VisualExpression.PositiveFloatingPoint (-fp.Real))
|> parenthesis priority 0
| Approximation (Approximation.Complex fp) -> //when fp.Real = 0.0 && fp.Imaginary < 0.0 ->
failwith "TODO"
| Sum (x::xs) ->
| Identifier s -> VisualExpression.Identifier s
| Constant c -> VisualExpression.Constant c
| ComplexInfinity -> VisualExpression.ComplexInfinity
| PositiveInfinity -> VisualExpression.Infinity
| NegativeInfinity ->
VisualExpression.Negative VisualExpression.Infinity
|> parenthesis priority 0
| Undefined -> VisualExpression.Undefined
convert 1 expression
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ type Function =
| Abs
| Ln | Exp
| Sin | Cos | Tan
| Cot | Sec | Csc
| Cot | Sec | Csc
| Cosh | Sinh | Tanh
| Asin | Acos | Atan
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