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renamed everything to step() if used in environment.step(). renamed everything...

Luis Kutschat requested to merge dev-luis into review-ruben


  • introduced actions_are_relative in config
  • made lineSpeed an output -> adapted everything necessary
  • introduce control_manager and disturbance_manager instead of state_manager
  • rename model_wrapper to output_manager
  • name many things to step() -> beforehand get_controls() did not only return controls, get_reward() did not only return reward
  • always use OmegaConf.to_container() instead of dict()
  • rename to control_contraints_met and output_constraints_met -> not everything is safety -> safety could also be outputs, e.g. pressure or temperature -> same goes for requirements: control bounds may be more restrictive than what is possible for the machine
  • restructured config
    • outputs_are_latent and observation_noise_only in env_setup
    • control_bounds and output_bounds first hierarchy level -> organized the same way with optional upper and lower bounds
  • make it possible to determine outputs dependent on other outputs in output_manager.step()
  • renamed to environment and gym_wrapper
  • make reward_function a config
  • stable baselines 3 works (also env_checker)
  • actions_dict has same keys as controls
  • change scenario manager process: one step()-method -> works like other classes -> maybe this way we can actually make a abstract class
  • restructured the repo
  • distributable
  • include changes from review-ruben

Merge request reports
