Derzeit ist es nicht möglich Gitlab via HTTPS per lokalem Benutzernamen und Passwort zu benutzen. Wir empfehlen allen Nutzenden als Sofortmaßnahme ein Personal Access Token anstatt Benutzername und Passwort zu verwenden. Eine Anleitung zur Erstellung eines Personal Access Token finden Sie hier: // It is currently not possible to use Gitlab via HTTPS with a local username and password. As an immediate measure, we recommend that all users use a personal access token instead of a username and password. You can find instructions on how to create a personal access token here:
fixed post-processing of generated Python code from LinkML Now correctly handles entities with blank node instead of (expected) IRI identifier
v0.6.0 - added hasMembership and allow blank nodes for id
workaround using only Person as range for contributor instead of any_of(Person, Organization)
add programmingLanguage to SoftwareSourceCode and contributor to CreativeWork
v0.4.1 fixed breaking LinkML definition by removing accidentally added line in slot definition
v0.4.0 added: hasContributedTo modified: hasOutcomes->hasOutcome deleted: foaf_name, dct_description, dct_type (these were removed in favor of their counterparts from, however using `slot_usage` when serializing to RDF the correct namespace from dct/foaf is assigned)
moved all properties from attributes to slots
adapted schema for running kh-populator scripts (phase one of schema adoption)