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Resolve "[definition missing] VisualizationSoftware and addind missing swo classes annotations"

Fathalla, Said requested to merge 32-definition-missing-visualizationsoftware into main

Closes #32 (closed) #41 (closed)


VisualizationSoftware def. Software which creates graphical representations of data, features of data or data sets.

for #41 (closed) :

  • importing missing data from a functional IRI of the Software ontology related to the following classes

    SWO_0000001 software,

    SWO_10000035 Distribution clause,

    SWO_10000037 Distribution unrestricted,

    SWO_10000038 Derivatives allowed,

    SWO_1000059 free,

    SWO_1000060 not free,

    SWO_1000136 Commercial use only,

    SWO_9000016 No restrictions on derivatives,

    SWO_9000020 No restrictions on derivatives,

    SWO_9000029 Time for use unrestricted,

    SWO_9000030 Usage unrestricted,

    SWO_9000032 Non-commercial use only

Edited by Fathalla, Said

Merge request reports
