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  • Jan Lahoda's avatar
    LSP Server for Java (#926) · f740b000
    Jan Lahoda authored
    * A sketch of Java LSP server.
    * Moving the java.lsp.server module to a correct place.
    * Moving the java.lsp.server module to a new location.
    * Support for JDK 9+.
    * Upgrading to LSP4J 5.0
    * Adding support for code actions.
    * Fixing support for keywords in code completion.
    * Adding outline.
    * Client sends document content on didOpen.
    * Cleanup - providing a utility to get the appropriate JavaSource.
    * Adding support for go to declaration to the Java LSP server.
    * Adding VS Code extension.
    * Adjusting dependencies.
    * Starting to eliminate remaining usages of old javadoc API and implementation.
    * Improving the Java server for the LSP.
    * Ensure InstalledFileLocator works by setting cluster path.
    * Fixing java/javadoc's Analyzer after drop of usage of the old javadoc API.
    * Fixing run with OpenJDK project.
    * Resolving forgotten conflicts.
    * Automatically add requires.nb.javac when module has a dependency on javacapi.
    * Not exporting old javadoc API
    * Removing usage of old Javadoc API.
    * Adding MarkOccurrences.
    * [NETBEANS-2207]: Removing old javadoc api(com.sun.javadoc.**) fron nb-javac
    * Re-enabling the nb-javac classpath extensions, as the old javadoc API has been stripped from the nb-javac.
    * Fixing dependencies - the language client is a real dependency.
    * Ensure nb-javac is not used.
    * realpath seems to be unavailable on some systems, using readlink instead.
    * Querying source groups sets external source roots, ensuring it is called.
    * Using DiagnosticSeverity.Warning for Severity.VERIFIER.
    * Produce correct classpath for langtools tests in the current layout.
    * Running the Java language server inside module system.
    * Attempting to fix verify-libs-and-licenses.
    * Cleanup - undoing unnecessary changes; adding license headers.
    * More undoing of unnecessary changes
    * Correcting clusters list and configuration.
    * Adding license info about clusters configuration file (which cannot hold license by itself)
    * Avoiding a StackOverflowError in Tree copier when running on JDK 14 by calling the correct superclass method instead of the synthetic bridge.
    * Check suitable JDK is available, but show an error to the user if not.
    * Adding a rudimentary
    * Adding a license header.