Issue802 clean ci infrastructure
The following tests are newly implemented:
check models -
check and simulate examples and validate models -
Style Check: The script uses the ModelManagement and checks the models for the correct style Regression Tests -
HTML Check: Tests the html code in .mo files. If the code is incorrect or not formatted correctly, a new branch is created in Github. The corrected HTML code is placed in the new branch and a new pull request is created.
The infrastructure and tests are divided into the following topics:
- UnitTests: Contains regressiontest, check and simulate tests
- SyntaxtTests: Contains HTML check, style check
- CleanUpModelica: cleanmodelica
- Travis CI is removed.
- Template: Add a new templates for ci tests : Correct only new files that were previously added in a commit (Tests run faster and the runner is less stressed).
The documentation for the CI tests can be found in the /bin folder. The new CI infrastructure is implemented in Branch issue802_CleanCI_Infrastructure.
- Create a new image that include the github private key
- Template: writes automatically a whitelist when a new version of IBPSA is merged into AixLib
- Add new reference files for regression tests
- activate package systems for ci tests