Issue555 Heating coil buffer storage
See #555 (closed).
Check with the following script critical storage data settings (assuming a tank of 3 m height and a discretisation of 6 layers):
for i in 1:size(hLowerPort,1) loop
hTank = 3;
n = 6;
n_LP = integer(floor(hLowerPort[i]/(hTank/n))+1);
n_UP = integer(ceil(hUpperPort[i]/(hTank/n)));
"hLowerPort = "+String(hLowerPort[i])+" and hUpperPort = "+String(hUpperPort[i]);
"n_LP = "+String(n_LP);
"n_UP = "+String(n_UP);
end for;
I also introduced assert statements in the initial equation section.