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loading of NLP tools

Julian Kofferath requested to merge jkofferath.processingpreparation into main
  • I modified the names of the files in the constructs module.
  • I created a module lingproc (java equivalent: declareextraction.textprocessing) and added the file with TextParser class inside (java equivalent: There, I imported stanza and translated the intialize function which is called whenever creating a TextParser object. It loads the NLP tools (at the moment tokenizer, PoS tagger, lemmatizer, dependency parser). Also, I created a function which runs all these techniques on an example sentence. Also, I translated the function parseConstraintString() which calls all intermediate steps of the analysis. I inserted empty functions for these intermediate steps (and renamed some of them with better names).
  • I created a requirements.txt file and included the dependency for stanza.

Merge request reports