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Henning authored
Deleted fbadmin.json. I have deleted the old key so that we can make our repository public. A new key must be created in the firebase console to run our backend.


A POLLing app with LOcation awareness


After the initial pull use $ flutter pub get to download all necessary dependencies.

Since the project uses automatic code generation, make sure having a build runner active in the background: $ flutter packages pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs

Alternatively if you only want to update the generated code once, use: $ flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

Based on youre build target use:

  • web: $ flutter build web (located in build/web)
  • android: $ flutter build apk (located in build/app/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk)

The app will automatically connect to the uploaded backend on



You can run existing tests with $ flutter test

Projectstructure / general notes

'nice to know' things

  • flutter run -d web-server --web-port=9000 will create hot-reloadable webserver with a fixed port

project structure outline

  • lib/components mostly ui design
  • lib/services provides functionality for ui components (auth, database fetching), dto's
  • lib/config configuration when/what/how services should be used
  • lib/router.dart defines navigation between components

Database Scheme

contains following tables:

  • users, where account specific properties are saved that should be synchronized
  • poll-overview, where within each user has a list of his own polls (everthing that should be displayed on the MyPoll overview list)
  • poll-details, grouped by user, contains basically everything so that the user is able to edit all questions, time, location... (corresponds to the create/edit poll view)
  • polls, grouped by poll id, queried for finding nearby polls (for participate poll view), (if this gets to large, we could split it in expired/archived and running polls, furthermore we could chunk it based on the location to reduce size even more, these changes shouldn't effect client usage at all)
  • poll-results, grouped by poll id, contains answers, participates (as discussed where answer key is the hased uid and client-owned salt), the answer value might references a fixed option or is an independent value (this can be evaluated based on the question type), simmilar to polls, this could also be split into smaller subsets to improve querying. an overview field might be present for question types that have a fixes set of answer possibilities.

Running the Backend

You have three options:

  1. Use the uploaded backend (simplest)
  2. Install the backend with pip
  3. Install the backend from Docker image

Use the Uploaded Backend

  1. Set the url in /assets/serverurl.txt to
  2. Start the app

Backend Installation with pip

  1. Install Python (at least version 3.6)
  2. Navigate to the /backend folder in a terminal
  3. > python -m venv ./env
  4. On Windows: > env\Scripts\activate (displays a wrong parameter error on Windows: "Parameterformat falsch")
    On Mac / Linux: > source env/bin/activate
  5. (env)> pip install -r requirements.txt In case this fails, you can also manually install the needed packages one by one: flask, flask_cors, functools, json, pyrebase, firebase-admin
  6. Replace the url in /assets/serverurl.txt by your PCs local ip address

Backend Installation from Docker Image

  1. Find the needed files in the /backend folder

Start Backend after Installation

  1. On Windows: > env\Scripts\activate
    On Mac / Linux: > source env/bin/activate
  2. (env)> python

Firebase Emulator


  1. install node (tested with v14) with npm
  2. run $ npm install -g firebase-tools
  3. inside the project folder use $ firebase emulators:start
  4. once started, the dashboard is available at localhost:8081

Using existing data

Within docs/sample_data should be valid data with the corresponding version. firebase emulators:start --import <export-directory> will load the sample data on start. If you want to save you're changes to the sample data add the flag --export-on-exit.


General Styles

  • Our themes are defined in theme/themes.dart and apply to the whole app depending on the type of the widget

Global Colors

  • Define a color for a widget either in the general theme (global scope) or directly in your widget (applies just to that one) by using

    • Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary or
    • Theme.of(context).colorScheme.secondary or
    • context.theme or
    • context.customTheme
    • ...
  • Some additional colors can be defined in theme/themes.dart per theme and queried by:

    • e.g. context.customTheme
    • you need to import 'package:awesome_poll_app/utils/commons.dart' for that


to access properties include import 'package:awesome_poll_app/utils/language_utils.dart'; in the file if not already present.

You can then use context.lang('') to access the defined property.

If you want to add a new property, goto assets/lang and add them to it. By default strings.json will be used as default (which should be in english).

You can access the current language with context.locale.

Language settings are currently limited to english and german.


Instead of calling print(), you should preferably use context., info, debug, warn and error for displaying messages.

Whenever there's no build context available use static Logger logger = Logger.of('class');.

Make sure to include import 'package:awesome_poll_app/utils/logger_utils.dart';

Debugging Overlay

on web you can enable the overlay with a semicolon and disable it with singleQuote. on android you can toggle it by shaking you're phone (for like half a second pretty hard).