RCF evaluation documentation wiki
This wiki is used for the documentation of the python based RCF evaluation software (pyRES).
Acknowledgment, License
This work is funded by HMWK through the LOEWE centre "Nuclear Photonics".
Usecases and usage
Structure of pyRES
Calibration datatypes and functions
- Example for input datafile for calibration
- Calibration is done by a separate object. Results are saved into pickle files with a specific identifier. The pickle file consists of several arrays as listed.
Energyloss files
The deconvolution is done utilizing energyloss files. Energylossfiles recreate the stopping power relations in an ideal stack, calculated by a Monte Carlo Method.
Each layer active and passive need to be taken into account to create the ideal stack characterization. The specific ideal energyloss file has to be passed to the read in RCF image.
The structure of the energyloss file is a csv/dat file: 4 Comma separated columns:
- 1st column is starting energy / MeV
- 2nd column is mean energy of proton before entering layer / MeV
- 3rd column is mean energy of proton after exiting layer / MeV
- 4th column is mean energyloss in layer / MeV