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  • Jana Lemke's avatar
    Add (still buggy) reductions · 69e1a653
    Jana Lemke authored
    Implement degree-1 and dominance reductions.
    This seems to still be buggy, since some of the generated instances
    are (a lot) bigger than the ones calculated by other solvers.
    A list of sizes of solutions to instances generated with the PACE challenge
    solver of the team "WeGotYouCovered" and the solutions sizes of this
    solver as comments can be found in `solutions`.
    The fact that for example `datasets/soc-Slashdot0811.mtx` does not
    consider any branches, but generates a solution more than twice as large
    as the optimal solution is a strong indicator that this is a problem
    with the reductions and not with the branch-and-bound-part.
    Also added support for interrupting the calculation with
    `SIGINT`/`Ctrl-C` and printing the current best solution.