WIP: Fix saving of coordinate class objects in *.ita files
Fix saving of coordinate class objects. itaCoordinates are currently stored as MATLAB class objects when saving *.ita files. Use the saveobj method of itaCoordinates when writing .ita files to save the itaCoordinates as a struct, not requiring ITA-Toolbox functionality to open the files.
This change will result in a break with the backwards compatibility.
Reading *.ita files generated with newer versions on a version prior tp this will result in a loss of:
- channelCoordinates
- objectCoordinates
- objectViewVector
- objectUpVector
All other data will remain intact.
Cleanup saveobj for itaAudio -
Cleanup saveobj for itaSuper -
Cleanup saveobj for itaCoordinates -
Cleanup ita_write_ita
Edited by Marco Berzborn