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13.2 implentation of game center integration

Lukas Woyke requested to merge 13.2-implentation-of-game-center-integration into master

Implementation includes.

  • Authentication fo user in game center.
  • Finding a Match
  • Sending game state data for starting a game, using game kit real time API. (GKMatchDelegate)

Basic Game State Structure (Draft/Suggestion):

    │          Example for game life cycle           │
    │ User is authenticated  │
    │   and ready to play    │

                 │User presses start and │
                 │   sends Game State    │

     │     Waiting screen     │
                 │  Received "started"  │
                 │    from all other    │
                 │       players.       │

     │   Game automatically   │
     │         starts         │

                 │ Received "finished"  │
                 │   from one player.   │

     │  Show winner or loser  │
     │        screen.         │
Edited by Lukas Woyke

Merge request reports
