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@@ -26,4 +28,7 @@ Figures are included in the ZIP archive when submitting the article to the ing.g
When submitting figures, please note that all copyright issues need to be resolved by the authors. The journal aims to publish all content, including figures, with a Creative Commons Attribution licence. A brief licence statement (name of creator and CC licence) needs to be included in the captions. Please contact the editors if you plan to use figures from third parties that require a different licence.
When submitting figures, please note that all copyright issues need to be resolved by the authors. The journal aims to publish all content, including figures, with a Creative Commons Attribution licence. A brief licence statement (name of creator and CC licence) needs to be included in the captions. Please contact the editors if you plan to use figures from third parties that require a different licence.
This repository also contains a SCIKGTeX branch that uses the `SciKGTeX` package and makes it possible to annotate specific research contributions directly in the LaTeX source code. Interested authors may use the SciKGTeX branch instead of the master branch. The link to the SciKGTeX branch is : [https://git.rwth-aachen.de/inggrid/template/-/tree/SciKGTeX]()