Labels can be applied to issues, merge requests, and epics. Group labels are available for any project within the group.
Labels 93
EPICA_Backlog - WIP 3CoscineShould be used for max. three EPICs that have been added to the backlog for next "Analyzing".
EPICAnalyzing - WIP 1CoscineShould be used for EPICs that require further analysis or investigation before a solution or course of action can be determined, and are part of a larger initiative or project that requires coordination across multiple teams or features
EPICFinishedCoscineEPICs where all necessary issues are completed. Awaiting dev & live deployment.
EPICFunnelCoscineShould be used for EPICs that are part of a larger initiative or project, and are currently being evaluated or prioritized for review
EPICIn Progress - WIP 1CoscineShould be used for EPICs that are part of a larger initiative or project, and are currently being worked on by the team
EPICIP_Backlog - WIP 1CoscineShould be used for one EPIC that has been added to the backlog for next "in progress".
EPICReview - WIP 3CoscineShould be used for EPICs that are part of a larger initiative or project, and are ready for review by other team members or stakeholders
Error HandlingCoscineShould be used for issues or merge requests that refer to improper error handling (e.g. thrown 500 errors, that are not properly captured)
Feature RequestCoscineShould be used for issues related to a new feature or functionality that needs to be added and has been requested by stakeholders of the project
Form GeneratorCoscineShould be used for issues or merge requests related to the form generator in Coscine and AIMS, such as implementing new features, improving performance, or addressing existing issues
🛠️ Investigate & ConceptCoscineShould be used for issues or merge requests related to investigation or conceptualisation of an issue.