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Simple boundry condition generator for ABAQUS INP files. Written in C++ using only default libraries. Should work in every Linux distribution
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Simple cohesive element generator for ABAQUS INP files
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IEHK / ICME / abq_cec
OtherSimple cohesive element generator for ABAQUS INP files. Written in C++
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C++ library for algorithmic differentiation by operator overloading. Upstream URL is https://projects.coin-or.org/ADOL-C .
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Polaris / Public / analytics-engine
MIT LicenseUpdated -
supreetshm947 / ANYCSP_enum
MIT LicenseUpdated -
NFDI4Earth / Architecture / Architecture Docs
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalUpdated -
Informatik11 - Embedded Software / ASMO Software
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 3.0 GermanyUpdated -
Philipp Dreßen / awesome-erc
Boost Software License 1.0Awesome Elastic Resource Controller (just an example to demostrate GitLab CI goodness)
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Cem Türkyilmaz / awesome-erc
Boost Software License 1.0Awesome Elastic Resource Controller (just an example to demostrate GitLab CI goodness)
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Program for the Bachelor Thesis of Florian Schulze. It calculatets the numeric solution to the cosmic ray propagation equation, and calculate the spectrum of cosimc rays caused by a stocastic distribution of sources.
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