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Archived 0Updated
This project handles the .NET interaction with WaterButler in the CoScInE environment.
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Coscine / backend / scripts / VirtuosoSetup
MIT LicenseTheprogram handles the setup of vituoso.
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Institute of Technical Acoustics (ITA) / VAUnity_Package
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Institute of Technical Acoustics (ITA) / VAUnityExtensions
Apache License 2.0Archived 1Updated -
Archived 0Updated
Institute of Technical Acoustics (ITA) / VAUnity
Apache License 2.0Plugin-equivalent Unity C# classes to connect and interact with VA
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Institute of Technical Acoustics (ITA) / VACS
Apache License 2.0VACS is a C++ wrapper library for VANet in order to expose a C-style API that can be easily imported as native library for C#. Main application is the VAUnity project (connect Unity with VA).
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This project accepts console arguments and can update Consul variables and update configuration files
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Coscine / backend / scripts / UserImporter
MIT LicenseThis project handles the scheduled user import.
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Coscine / backend / apis / User
MIT LicenseThis api provides methods to access and update user information.
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Coscine / backend / scripts / TrellisMigrator
MIT LicenseAdds necessary triples for Trellis usage.
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Coscine / backend / apis / TreeApi
MIT LicenseThe TreeApi handles the retrieving or storing metadata to a certain path.
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Coscine / backend / apis / Token
MIT LicenseThis Api handles the Token management.
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Coscine / backend / Sustainsys.Saml2
MIT LicenseThis is a fork of the repository: https://github.com/Sustainsys/Saml2
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Coscine / backend / apis / STS
MIT LicenseThis project provides the functionality of a login service for the Coscine platform.
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Coscine / backend / scripts / SQL2Linked
MIT LicenseThis project migrates part of our relational database (MSSQL) to the metadata store (Virtuoso).
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Coscine / backend / scripts / SPPageDeployer
MIT LicenseThis project provides an executable that deploys all SharePoint pages for the CoScInE environment.
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Paul Nitzke / SparseTransform
Apache License 2.0Implementation of our sparse matrix transformation program.