Explore projects
ACS / Public / Power System Automation and Monitoring / SMU / sw / smuDRV
Affero General Public License v1.0Kernel module (driver) for hardware-on-top control
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Dynamic libraries for digital signal processing
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Shared libraries for configuration and data types
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Dynamic libraries for communications protocols and interface methods
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AVT-SVT / public / babbase
Eclipse Public License 2.0Library containing basic components for building branch-and-bound algorithms
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AVT-SVT / public / MeLOn - Machine Learning Models for Optimization
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -
Bekir Altindal / Examples
Apache License 2.0Examples presented in the lecture "Foundations of Computer Science 3 - Operating Systems and System Security"
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ACS / Public / Teaching materials / Grundgebiete der Informatik 3 / Examples
Apache License 2.0Examples presented in the lecture "Foundations of Computer Science 3 - Operating Systems and System Security"
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Ruibo Tang / UR5e_ROS2_SAM_CLIP
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Quellcode der Roboter Anwendung des Praktikums Technische Informatik - Versuch 2: Verteilte und Echtzeitfähige Systeme (VUES)
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ACS / Public / Teaching materials / Grundgebiete der Informatik 3 / v86
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseFork of v86 PC emulator to run eduOS-rs in a browser
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ACS / Public / Power System Simulation and Optimization / DistAIXFramework / distaix
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyRepository of the DistAIX simulator for cyber-physical power systems