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Coscine / backend / apis / ApiDemo
MIT LicenseOld example implementation of an Api.
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This project represents our Coscine Api Docs.
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Coscine / frontend / apps / app-demo
MIT LicenseArchived 0Updated -
Coscine / frontend / libraries / app-util
MIT LicenseThis library provides utility functions for all our app projects.
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Repository for custom extensions of the official archimate3_model.xsd
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Linus / arduino-word-clock-WS2811
MIT LicenseArchived 0Updated -
RoboGuide / aruco_generation
MIT LicenseSimple script to generate aruco markers via opencv-contrib-python. Bonus: Test detection using your webcam.
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astro / astrotools
MIT LicenseMOVED TO GITLAB.COM https://gitlab.com/uhecr/astrotools
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Michael Thies / atp16
MIT LicenseArchived 0Updated -
Tests und Lösungen zu den Problemstellungen aus "Inspirationen zur Klausurvorbereitung Aufgabe 2+3"
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3pia / VISPA / Extensions / Auger Offline
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterArchived 0Updated -
An eventbrowser to display the content of ADST files
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