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Version 0.6.4

Benedikt Conze requested to merge hotfix/split-exam-grade-rounding into master

Fix split grade rounding issue, pass exam < 4.1

Fix two issues relating to averaging the grades of the open and closed exam section:

  1. When checking whether an "exact" grade (e.g. 1.47) was better than one of the possible grades (e.g. 1.7), there was a faulty comparison of floating point numbers that led occasionally to wrong averaged grades. Specifically, when the exact grade was the same as one of the possible grades, it would sometimes report that the exact grade was smaller than the possible grade. In total there was about a 0.4% chance of this happening given a random open and closed max point number and random grades. In that case the given grade was one grade better than the grade should be, but it could never change a 5.0 to a 4.0.

  2. In the new version of the guidelines it is made clear that students pass the exam if their "exact" grade is better than 4.1, not 4.0 or better. This is also implemented in this hotfix.

Edited by Benedikt Conze

Merge request reports
