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Merge request for new application profile: baureka-Metadatenschema

1 unresolved thread
+ 70
@base <>.
@prefix rdf: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.
@prefix dcterms: <>.
@prefix sh: <>.
@prefix vocabterms: <>.
@prefix aps: <>.
<> dcterms:created "2024-09-01"^^xsd:date;
dcterms:creator "Iuliia Amerkhanova";
dcterms:description "Das im DFG-Projekt entwickelte Metadatenschema richtet sich an die Bedürfnisse der Community der Historischen Bauforschung und Denkmalpflege. Sie soll mit diesem Schema ihre Forschungsdaten und Strukturen bestmöglich beschreiben können und somit zur Verknüpfung und Nachnutzung nutzbar machen."@de;
dcterms:license <>;
dcterms:subject <>;
dcterms:title ""@de,
a rdfs:Class,
sh:closed false;
sh:property [sh:maxCount 1 ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:description "This refers to the domain or category to which a property belongs within the schema. In the schema, 'Bereich' indicates whether a property is associated with 'Daten' (Data), 'Objekt' (Object), or 'Projekt' (Project). This categorization helps in organizing the properties based on whether they describe general data attributes, specific object details, or project-related information.";
sh:name "Area"@en ;
sh:name "Bereich"@de ;
sh:order 1 ;
sh:path <> ;
sh:in ("P" "O" "D")],
[sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:description "The unique identifier assigned to each property or data element within the schema. This identifier is essential for referencing specific properties in the dataset and ensures that each property can be uniquely identified and accessed in the system.";
sh:name "ID"@de ;
sh:name "ID"@en ;
sh:order 2 ;
sh:path <> ;
sh:datatype xsd:ID],
[sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:description "Represents the specific property defined in the schema. It indicates what aspect of the material, object, or project is being described, such as 'Material Type,' 'Location,' 'Period,' or 'Technique.' These properties are the core elements that define the attributes and characteristics of the items documented in the baureka database.";
sh:name "baureka-Property"@de ;
sh:name "baureka-Property"@en ;
sh:order 3 ;
sh:path <> ;
sh:datatype xsd:string],
[sh:maxCount 1 ;
sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:description "Specifies whether a particular data field is required ('Mandatory') or optional ('Optional') when creating or editing a data record. If a field is marked as 'Mandatory,' it must be filled out for the entry to be valid; if marked as 'Optional,' the entry can be left blank.";
sh:name "Mandatory/Optional"@de ;
sh:name "Mandatory/Optional"@en ;
sh:order 4 ;
sh:path <> ;
sh:in ("M" "O")],
[sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:description "Indicates how often a specific property can appear in a dataset or record. Cardinality defines whether a field can have a single value (1:1), multiple values (1), or be optional (0:1 or 0). For example, an 'Object Name' might have a cardinality of 1:1 (only one name per object), while 'Related Projects' could have a cardinality of 0 (no limit on the number of related projects listed).";
sh:name "Occurrence/Kardinalität"@de ;
sh:name "Occurrence/Cardinality"@en ;
sh:order 5 ;
sh:path <> ;
sh:datatype xsd:string],
[sh:minCount 1 ;
sh:description "Provides a detailed explanation of what the property represents. The definition is crucial for ensuring that users and contributors understand the purpose and intended use of each property within the schema, promoting consistent data entry and interpretation.";
sh:name "Definition"@de ;
sh:name "Definition"@en ;
sh:order 6 ;
sh:path <> ;
sh:datatype xsd:string],
[sh:name "Erlaubte Werte, Beispiele, Empfehlungen"@de ;
sh:name " Allowed values, examples, recommendations"@en ;
sh:order 7 ;
sh:description "This criterion provides a comprehensive guide to what values are acceptable for a particular property, along with examples and recommendations to ensure consistent data entry. It includes: Erlaubte Werte (Allowed Values): The set of permissible entries for a property, which could be a controlled vocabulary or standardized terms. For example, the allowed values for 'Material Type' might include 'Wood,' 'Brick,' 'Stone,' etc. Beispiele (Examples): Concrete examples to illustrate what a valid entry would look like for a specific property. For example, for the 'Material Type' property, an example could be 'Oak Wood' or 'Red Brick.' Empfehlungen (Recommendations): Suggestions or guidelines for entering data that helps users make appropriate selections or provide more accurate data. For instance, a recommendation might suggest using precise terminology (e.g., 'Granite' instead of just 'Stone') to improve data clarity and usefulness.";
sh:path <> ;
sh:datatype xsd:string].