Merge request for new application profile: SPP2403-Basic-V1
Merge request created by Simon Schmeing,, created at 26.01.2024 17:15:25
Merge request reports
Hallo, ich habe die Anfrage für dieses Applikationsprofil erstellt. Vor kurzem habe ich eine Klasse ( erstellen lassen. Diese Klasse möchte ich gerne bei folgenden 4 Feldern des Applikationsprofiles nutzen: "Primary Fluid(s)","2nd Primary Mixture","3rd Primary Mixture" und "Secondary Fluid(s)". Ich bin mir aber nicht sicher ob das geklappt hat. Ich habe stets die oben genannte URL dort angegeben, AIMS schien aber stets ohne Ergebnis zu laden. Könnten Sie bitte prüfen, ob ich das richtig gemacht habe?
Wie lange wird es etwa dauern bis das Applikationsprofil in Coscine verfügbar ist? Für uns wäre es wichtig, dass es relativ schnell geschieht. Wir benötigen aus unserer Sicht keine allzugenaue Prüfung, da wir das Applikationsprofil noch im Rahmen unseres SPP diskutieren und verfeinern wollen. Es handelt sich somit um keine finale Version. Es ist aber trotzdem für uns wichtig das Applikationsprofil in Coscine zu haben, um zu testen, wie es sich in Testläufen bewährt.
Vielen Dank und Grüße Simon Schmeing
Dear @TeamCarnot, thank you for your submission! The fields "Primary Fluid(s)" and "2nd Primary Mixture" are working fine. However, it seems that the link to the class was not added to the fields "3rd Primary Mixture" and "Secondary Fluid(s)". I will fix it and then I will test the application profile before it can be merged to ensure everything works correctly. The application profile will appear in Coscine the day after the merging process. Thank you for your understanding!
@kseniia.dukkart thank you! I had some issues when adding the calss to these fields. But if you can add the calss there, this would be perfect.
@Heinrichs, @petar.hristov it's good to merge
@kseniia.dukkart there is weirdly the base AP included, but I guess this doesn't really hurt so merging.
@Heinrichs yes, I thought it was a copy of it. But now I see that in AIMS they are not connected. Is there a way to tell how it meant to be?
@kseniia.dukkart I mean everything related to is relevant, the rest not. Seems to be maybe some bug that brought the base profile in, but not sure.
mentioned in commit c75c6d6d
@TeamCarnot the profile has been merged and will be available in Coscine tomorrow. Thanks for your submission!
Additionally, regarding your ticket: have all your questions been addressed? If so, I will close a ticket.
@kseniia.dukkart i tried out the application profile today. Everything seems to work fine, except the interaction with the search function. There i'm facing 2 issues:
Metadata entered in the field that contains the "class" is only shown as URLs. E.g. "" instead of the real string that is behind entry number 148 in the class, like "Air" for example. Also see the screenshot. Thus one can also not find the file by searching for the real string selected in the class.
The names of the metadata fields are shown as a long number of characters like "56feb1bc-9e59-4761-b8dc-4c8b072418de" instead of the real names of these metadate fields. But i already encountered this problem with other application profiles before.
Is there a way to deal with these problems?
Edited by Simon Schmeing-
- Edited by Simon Schmeing
@TeamCarnot thank you for your feedback! I will contact developers and see what we can do about it. I'll keep you updated on any progress.
@Heinrichs, @petar.hristov there are some issues with Coscine search function !305 (comment 2436844). Could you look at it, please?
@kseniia.dukkart we resolved this last Sprint, so after the next deployment slot (07.02), this should be fixed.
@TeamCarnot this issues should be resolved after 07.02 (!305 (comment 2437466))