Install Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0
Download the Laguerre Tessellation Tool: https://github.com/wackywendell/tess
Download the Droplet Contact Numbers and Probabilities script (DCNumPro_1.0.py) and the conda environment suitable for your operating system (DCNumPro_windows.yml for Windows or DCNumPro_linux.yml for Linux): https://git.rwth-aachen.de/avt-fvt/public/contact-numbers-and-probabilities
Put the DCNumPro_1.0.py and DCNumPro_windows.yml (or DCNumPro_linux.yml) files into the main folder of the Laguerre Tessellation Tool (tess-master)
Open the DCNumPro_1.0.py script with an code editor and install the environment DCNumPro.yml (or DCNumPro_linux.yml):
- conda env create -f DCNumPro_windows.yml or
- conda env create -f DCNumPro_linux.yml
Install the Laguerre Tessellation Tool: python setup.py build_ext -i
Set configuration parameters in DCNumPro.py and run the script.
- Troubleshooting
a) If you have problems with conda not finding the packages when creating the environment, try to add conda channels:
- conda config --append channels conda-forge
- conda config --append channels anaconda
b) If you have problems with creating the environment using the .YML file, try manual creation:
conda create -n DCNumPro python=3.10 xlwt numpy pandas sympy scipy cycler matplotlib sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme cython tqdm