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Added quality of life changes

Tagging @alexander.staedingdominguez as I'm not sure how GitLab's notifications work in detail.

  1. Updated Gradle to version 7.0 (allows running gradle on systems with Apple Silicon Processors/JDK 16)
  2. Changed task group of "prepareSubmission" to "aud" in order to make it easier to find
  3. Removed ".git/" from .gitignore
  4. Added instruction to copy the finished jar to the root dir
  5. Added the jar to .gitignore

Reasoning and considerations:
To 1: I have no reason to believe that updating Gradle should have any adverse effects for other students; Gradle 7 supports all Java versions from 7 to 16. Updating allows all users with JDKs, that can build Java 11 applications (JDK 11 to 16), to use the templates without any further configuration. Also it introduces compatibility to Apple Silicon Processors. The gradle wrapper was regenerated automatically after updating to Gradle 7. See:
To 2: If Gradle is invoked from the IDE finding the task in the list can take it's sweet time. Changing the group should improve user comfort.
To 3: It's unusual to add the .git directory to the .gitignore and I can't find a reason to do this.
To 4: The finished jar is now copied to the root dir of the project without a need to search for it in the build folder. It was tested to work after rebuilds, clean rebuilds and normal invocation of the "prepareSubmission" task. If the jar already exists it's overwritten. If it can't be written the task fails.
To 5: Tracking the jar provided by (4) has no benefits and is against git convention.

I suggest merging these changes and also adding them to future templates. I can provide PRs/Merge requests for those as well.

With kind regards,
Dominik Litke

Edited by Dominik Litke

Merge request reports
